Stone Specialists Blog

Here’s The Perfect Stone Countertop Based On Your Favorite Hot Drink
The holidays are here, and cold, cozy days call for hot drinks. Coffee, cocoa, tea, whatever strikes your fancy. You can’t survive winter without them. But, today, we have a fun question for you: what if you were to choose a countertop based on your love of coffee?...

Client Spotlight: Walker June Calhoun CPA’s, PC
One of our favorite things to do is take a closer look at our clients. And right now we have a special one to feature: Walker June Calhoun. This accounting and tax service business is an excellent place to go for help with your payroll prep, tax issues, and...

Understanding What Stone Groups Mean & How They Relate To Price
Are you on a budget when it comes to home improvement? Most people are. And you’re probably not part of the 1% of the population that has enough money to pay for stone countertops without making a dent in your savings account. So pricing is an important topic for you,...

What You Need To Know About Installing Stone Countertops In Winter
Is winter a good time to install stone countertops? In some ways, that depends on your opinion. However, it also depends on what types of issues you’re willing to face while installing your countertops. There are both pros and cons to a winter installation. Either...

An Introduction To The Different Classifications Of Rocks
There are a few ways you can narrow down your search for the perfect stone countertop. You could search the internet for a month or two, comparing manufacturers, prices, and materials. Or you can narrow it down by the type of stone you want. In other words, which...

Designing Stone Countertops For Accessibility
Designing a kitchen or a building for your business with accessibility in mind can be tough. You want to make sure the people in your life (or even the stranger you’ve never met before) are well cared for. One way to make sure that happens is by customizing...

Client Spotlight: Looking Glass Brewing Co.
Today we’re doing something a little different. We’re going to focus on one of our clients, the Looking Glass Brewing Company. To give you an idea of what they do, we’ll try to highlight some of their main features and purposes. Perhaps you’ll enjoy buying from this...

Choosing The Right Height For Your Stone Countertops
What height should your countertops be? While this is a question you may not have thought about, it’s definitely a good one to consider. Different types of countertops are more useful at different heights. Thinking about what types of countertops you have and what...

How To Protect Your Stone Countertops During The Holidays
It’s that time of year again. Thanksgiving is just around the corner. Christmas dinner (or brunch!). New Year’s Eve. And maybe a few holiday parties in between. Needless to say, there’s a lot of food being cooked and baked, and it’s all going to land on the counter at...

Design Gallery: Apartments & Condos With Stone Countertops
Condos may not be the first place you’d expect to find stone countertops. However, condos with stone countertops are out there - and once you’ve seen a few examples, we think you’ll be able to see how well these two things fit together. In fact, if you have a condo of...

Image Inspiration To Help You Choose Commercial Countertops
You know the feeling. Walking into a restaurant, a shop, an office (sometimes, even the mall or the bank) and end up looking at their beautiful countertops and how they tie into the overall design. You wonder, how could you create the same aesthetic to appeal to your...

Design Gallery: Beach Houses & Vacation Homes With Stone Countertops
Beach houses and vacation homes are a big part of relaxation and refreshment, and the homes we’re going to feature today are great examples of this type of comfort. Even better, these homes include beautiful stone countertops that take this style to the next level....
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