Masterminding your stone countertop installation could be a very fun experience. Poring over design ideas and browsing color palettes might be your favorite part of the renovating experience. Design is one of those things that occur before you (or your contractors) dive into the actual work involved. In addition to design, there are some other steps that you can take in preparation for your stone countertop installation. Tackling some things ahead of time could make for a smoother experience overall—and it could improve your peace of mind, too.  

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1 – Empty your cupboards

Of course, your stone will likely be placed on top of cabinets. And once the entire process is complete, you’ll be able to enjoy working seamlessly between your smooth work surface and your handy storage space beneath. However, while the job is getting done, it’s a good idea to remove the contents of those cupboards. 

That way, while your installers can focus on getting the stone placed and finished in one beautiful piece, they don’t have to worry about any dirt or dust they may be spreading. Additionally, you won’t have to worry about it later—when you discover your dishes have become disgusting or your towels and linens are coated in dust. 

With your cupboards empty during the process, getting back to normal life after the installation will call for some wiping out. But it won’t call for washing all your dishes before using. Re-pack your dishes into the space without a worry about dirt, dust, or grime making its way from your mixing bowl into your next meal. 

2 – Remove drawers if possible

Think of it this way— any drawer you can remove now is one you don’t have to dust out later. Plus, if you can remove entire drawers, then you don’t have to worry about unpacking and repacking their contents. Just pop out the whole drawer—contents and all—and place it in a safe location during your stone countertop installation. 

3 – Ensure your countertops are level

Stone slabs are beautiful things. Obviously, they’re solid, but that doesn’t mean they’re unbreakable. Your slab needs a level surface that supports its weight evenly to keep it safe and intact. 

If your cabinet tops aren’t level your stone may be supported in some spots and not supported in others. This could create pressure points and lead to cracking. Take a look at our Step-By-Step Instructions To Preparing Cabinets For Quartz Countertops to learn more. 

4 – Remove the old countertops

Naturally, you’ll have to get the old ones out before you can put the new ones in. You may decide to do it yourself to save having to pay the installer additional money (or having to hire a contractor to do the job). So check out How to Remove a Countertop for a Kitchen Remodel.


5 – Make sure that other prerequisites are completed in time

Before you place your beautiful new slab, you need something to place it on. Cupboards, of course, would need to be in place in a kitchen before you can top them with countertops. For a full kitchen overhaul, your renovation may be a collaborative effort of multiple contractors, each working in their own specialty. So keep a handle on the planning and scheduling to ensure that your cabinet specialists have finished their installation in time for the countertop installers to begin theirs. 

6 – Clear a pathway

Make sure that your stone specialists have easy (and safe) access to the space they’ll be working in. Remove tripping hazards. Also, move furniture, if necessary, to give them enough room to move around easily. 

7 – Protect the floor if needed

If you’re going to be having several people walking and working around your home, why not protect the floor in the space where they’ll be. Check out Your Guide to Temporary Floor Protection During Construction.

8 – Place protective covers on furniture if desired

And don’t forget the furniture, either. You might choose to cover nearby couches and tables with drop cloths to keep them from getting dusty. 

9 – Cordon off the rest of the house

Consider consolidating any mess that’s created by sealing off other areas of the house. This could mean closing bedroom doors to try to keep any dust or unpleasant scents contained in the area where the countertop is being installed. You could also “seal” around the doors by stuffing pliable material (like a bath towel) between the door and the floor. 

Entry to kitchen

10 – Make a plan for your needs

You may find that it’s easier for you and your family not to be at home while the installation is taking place. If you’re sensitive to noise or smells, you might especially consider this option. Check with your specialist about what noise level or smell level to expect from the project and make your plans accordingly. 

Additionally, keep in mind that your access to the area being renovated will naturally be restricted. So, if it’s your kitchen, forge an alternate plan for making and eating food. If it’s a bathroom, ensure you have another bathroom accessible or make plans to leave. 

Enjoy your counter and your stone countertop installation experience

Preparing your home for your stone countertop installation isn’t the only step you can take in search of a good overall experience. Also, take time to find a good countertop specialist. Check out our Questions To Ask Before Hiring A Countertop Specialist. And get ready for the changes that are coming with 5 Things You Need To Know Before You Start Your Remodel.